Server's latency

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Server's latency

Postby ajutzeler » Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:13 am


We have recently switched towards the client/server version of the software to get prepared for the exact competition settings.
However, it seems that when we send to the server a 'shoot' message (MID = 31/32), this one takes a lot of time to reply (around 15 seconds). During this interval of time we cannot do anything as we need to catch the response byte.

I wanted to know if this was an expected behavior from the server and an integral part of the rules. If not is there a way to make the server more reactive?

Thank you very much.

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Re: Server's latency

Postby Jochen » Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:53 am

Hi Arnaud,

the problem is that we can only record your score if the win screen shows the correct score, which can take up to 15 seconds after the last shot. That's why we wait for 15 seconds to make sure we record the score correctly.

We just had a discussion about this and it probably makes sense to let the agents decide for themselves how long they want to wait. But that means that if an agent does not wait long enough for the win screen to show the final score, we would not be able to record it on the server side.

The best solution is probably to have two shot commands, the "safe" shot which is the same as we have now where agents can be sure that their scores will be recorded correctly, and an "unsafe" shot where they can decide for themselves how long they want to wait.
How does that sound?

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Re: Server's latency

Postby ajutzeler » Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:25 pm

Hi Jochen,

This would be great, but we would also need a certain guarantee with the 'unsafe' shot. For example the guarantee that if the agent waits for a certain amount of time on the win screen, the server will properly record its score.
Thank you.

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Re: Server's latency

Postby Jochen » Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:55 pm

Hi Arnaud,

our guarantee is the 15 seconds wait :)

What you have to do if you use the unsafe shots is to analyse the screenshot yourself. That is you only leave a won level if the win screen shows the final score, i.e. if the score doesn't change anymore. Once you leave a level and there is a win screen, we record the score and go to the requested level. If there is no win screen we do not record the score.

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Re: Server's latency

Postby ajutzeler » Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:52 pm

Hi Jochen,

Yes, this is exactly what I planned to do: analyze the screenshot myself to determine if we have won, get the score as soon as it is fixed and proceed to the next level.
If I understand correctly, you said that the server records the score only when it receives a Level Selection Messages (MID = 51/52) !? So this means that under the condition that we leave the level on a win screen you can also guarantee that the server will record the score.

I am looking forward to the release of this 'unsafe' shot feature :)
Thank you again.

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