Paper about tracking objects while playing Angry Birds

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Paper about tracking objects while playing Angry Birds

Postby Jochen » Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:23 am

Gary and I have a new paper accepted at PRICAI 2014. It is called "Tracking Perceptually Indistinguishable Objects using Spatial Reasoning". You can download it here:

The problem we are analysing is the following: Assume you have two sreenshots, before and after, and you want to know which object in the after image corresponds to which object in the before image. When objects are different, this is of course easy to solve, but when the objects are perceptually indistinguishable (for example in Angry Birds there can be multiple blocks of the same type), then it is not clear which block corresponds to whcih one.
There is the additional problem that blocks might disappear or break into pieces, which makes the problem even harder.

We present a solution that uses spatial reasoning and possible joint movements of multiple object to determine correspondences in before and after images. Our evaluation shows that we can find almost perfect matches for Angry Birds.

This should be useful for example for learning the effect of actions where you want to create training data that includes the situation before a shot, which shot has been made and the situation after the shot. Using our method, correspondence between objects in the before and after situations can be automatically determined and training data can be easily created automatically.

We hope some of you may find this helpful.
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