Important information for AIBIRDS 2014 participants

Dear AIBIRDS 2014 participants,
Below is some important information for the competition:
Now some more information on the testing we do and what is important. We will do the following tests and will give you feedback:
Please let us know if you have any further questions or discuss here in the forum.
Best wishes and good luck for the competition!
Jochen, Gary, Peng, Steven and Jason
Below is some important information for the competition:
- Please make sure you have a team account at This is very important so that we have all the information we need. Please create an account or log in here: and make sure all information is up to date (team name, members, affiliation, email, special requests, etc.).
- Please let us know if you will be attending the competition in person.
- Note the new dates of the competition, which will be August 20-22, 2014. The qualification rounds and the symposium (=paper presentation) are now on August 20 and the finals on August 21.
- We want to make sure that your agent runs on our competition platform. We will offer you a test of your agent and its compatibility with our platform. Please let us know all non-standard software or libraries you need. Please send us a test version of your agent by August 3. If you need more time, please let us know. Please send your test agent to, or email us a link where we can download it (preferred). Below you find more information on the test we will do.
- The competition version of your agent is due by August 19, 10am Prague time. If your agent qualifies for the finals, you can send us a modified version by August 21, 8am Prague time the very latest. As the finals start at around 10am, this is extremely tight and we would strongly prefer if you send it to us much earlier in order to prevent a potential stuff up. This has to be submitted to a different email address which we tell you later.
- In the competition room we will be displaying posters about the agents. It would be great if you can prepare a poster that explains how your agent works. If you don’t attend and do not have a colleague who attends and can deliver the poster to us, we can print it out for you if it consists of a set of A4 pages.
- If you attend the competition, we would like you to give a short presentation about your agent (5-10 minutes with slides) on August 20. This should include the techniques that you are using and some insight into how your agent works.
- If you make it to the last 8, please be prepared to give a short introduction of your agent (2-4 minutes, no slides just talk) on August 21. Again this should include the techniques that you are using and some insight into how your agent works. If you qualify for he semi final or the grand final, we would like you to repeat the short introduction of your agent.
- Together with the competition version of your agent on August 19, please also send us a one page description of your agent that gives some details about the techniques you are using and how the agent works. We will link this description to your team on the website (under participating teams).
Now some more information on the testing we do and what is important. We will do the following tests and will give you feedback:
- Successful communication with the server (team ID, commands, loading levels, time limit)
- Successful dealing with the two stages of the qualification round: storing information during round 1 and accessing this information in round 2.
- Recovering after a crash/storing of information: If we have to restart the agent, we need to know what stored information to delete and need to make sure we do not delete any information we should not delete. If we have to restart the agent, we will delete all files that have a date after the current run has been started. This means that participants should not store essential information in a file that will be updated during a run, but always make a copy of it and only update the copy. This is particularly impotent for the qualification, where we do not want to delete the information stored in round 1 if we have to restart round 2.
- We will start your agent with the command java -jar agent.jar <server_ip> <team_id>.
e.g. java -jar agent.jar 55555 connects the agent with team_id 55555 to the server at
The <team_id> field is optional as you can write the team id in your agent configuration message (see If you use as your template, please remember to change the default ID - 28888 to your own team id.
If you do not use java, please give us detailed instructions how to start your agent with server IP and team ID.
Please let us know if you have any further questions or discuss here in the forum.
Best wishes and good luck for the competition!
Jochen, Gary, Peng, Steven and Jason